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Your source for what´s happening at westaflex industries. Founded 1933 in Germany, Westaflex and westaSoft is the software development arm of the westa group. The organization is committed to providing HVAC solutions across a variety of industries and making applications for mobile users which compliment their busy lifestyle. The unique owner and entrepreneur is Ph.D. Peter Westerbarkey together with Coralie Westerbarkey on the management board in the fourth generation of a family business.

International VANS in HVAC

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the standard exchange of business documents between computers, an alternative to the movement of large amounts of paper between companies for buying or selling of goods and services. EDI consists of two components: telecommunications and standardization of information to facilitate the exchange of information to reach as many companies as possible.

Telecommunications is the transmission, emission, or reception of signals, writings, images, sounds, or information of any nature whatsoever through wire, fibe optics, setllite links, broadcast oder other electromagnetic systems between locations. Today, telecommunications includes a terminal connection or a computer located within a building complex, across a state, across a country, or internationally through telephone company or private facilities. These aspects discuss various types of telecommunications alternatives for communications between persons and for dialog between a terminal and a remote computer or remote terminal. Examples will be proved mainly for calculation EDIFACT data communications and messages.

In the SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications) and SITA (Airlines Worldwide Telecommunications Network) cases relating to the pricing of international leased lines, the relevance of Community competition rules to the field of telecommunications services can be directly demonstrated.

To improve communications within an establishment or an enterprise or between enterprises, there must be a method of linking persons thorugh an electronic mail or messaging system. In former time done via telex and Teletex, terhe are a number of different systems capable of generating messages including text, images, voice, facsimile, and a number of public and private voice and data electronic mailboxes. The CCITT X.400 Recommendation is an attempt to have one standard for internal, national, and international electronic EDIFACT messages networks. These message-handling networks, like Business Mail 400 from the Deutsche Bundespost, will allow any combination of messages content including text or binary data structures. Message transfer will provide for a store and forward service allowing transparent data or image transfer.

The message-handling entities and protocols are located in the application layer or layer 7 of the OSI reference model. The layers below layer 7 allow the message-handling (MH) applications to use the lower layers to establish connections between individual systems using a variety of network types, e.g., packet, leased, telephone, LANS, and circuit switched, and establish session connections to permit the MH applications to reliably transfer messages between open systems.

Standardization of information is achieved using translation software that change the information in a company format into a standard format. For example, in an international trade and transportation transaction, over 20 different enterprises can participate in the transaction. Each firm would have its own set of documents. The forms can be print-outs from computer systems that are sent by normal mail to the next company in the chain and rekeyed into another computer. EDI would make it possible to replace documents and conventional mail by computer to computer communications. Existing standards and draft proposals for business data interchange transactions include purchase order, purchase order acknowledgement, invoice, remittance/payment advice, request for quote, planning schedule, shipping notice, recieving advice and price/sales catalog.

International data exchange or any -to-any connection is the desirable telecommunications goal of most companies – that is, the ability to access and have an on-line dialog with any terminal or mainframe, in any enterprise connected into the network, anywhere in the world. International networking for related or unrelated HVAC businesses is a growing need and a requirement for doing business around the globe. Major companies have stated that international suppliers must be tied into there international network to qualify as a supplier. Depending on the country where a message originates, electronic EDI message handling will be served by the national PTT.


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Die CARBONIT Filtertechnik baut ihre Online-Präsenz weiter aus. Seit kurzem sind auch aktuellste Meldungen auf Facebook zu finden. In dem sozialen Netzwerk können Kunden künftig nicht nur mit Freunden in Kontakt bleiben oder sich die Zeit mit Spielen vertreiben, sondern auch die Hinweise auf Produkte, Aktionen und Messen, sowie Presseartikel ihres Markenherstellers lesen.

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Aus Kollegen werden Freunde

Der Grundgedanke der kostenpflichtigen Google Dienste ist dabei, das Funktionsprinzip von sozialen Netzwerken in eine sichere - für Externe unzugängliche - Cloud Computing Umgebung zu übertragen.

Das ist die Art und Weise, wie die Arbeitswelt zusammenarbeitet, kommuniziert und Informationen teilt. Auch in der Westaflex Gruppe kommunizieren wir wie wir es aus dem Privatleben von Facebook, Twitter und Co gewohnt sind.... der Google Cloud Computing Ansatz bereichert diese Evolution unser Kommunikationskanäle mit einer Kollaborations-Suite für die Geschäftswelt. Mit Google Apps for business ist die Kommunikation in unser Firmengruppe schon heute so effizient und einfach wie es uns seinerzeit Facebook & Co vorgemacht haben.

Der Grundgedanke der kostenpflichtigen Google Dienste ist dabei, das Funktionsprinzip von sozialen Netzwerken in eine sichere - für Externe unzugängliche - Cloud Computing Umgebung zu übertragen. Auch hier können Nutzer ihr persönliches Profil anlegen und bestimmten Personen, Projekten oder Dokumenten, an denen sie gerade arbeiten, folgen. Die Google Apps for business sind relativ selbsterklärend, neue User können sich schnell in unsere neue Workflow-Umgebung einfinden.

Hauptvorteil eines solchen Kommunikationstools ist, dass die ressourcenbindende Suche nach Informationen in E-Mails oder an verschiedenen Speicherorten der Vergangenheit angehört. Aus Pull wird Push, d.h. Informationen werden gebündelt und finden je nach individuellem Interesse und Aufgabenbereich aktiv ihre Nutzer. Zugriffsrechte werden gesteuert, so dass ausschließlich autorisierte Personen Zugriff haben und die ausgetauschten Informationen sicher sind.


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